Sour Cherry Picking in Philly

Cherry Picking in Philly big cluster My dear friend Tracey belongs to one of Philly’s lovely community gardens. I count on her for mint and other lovely things from her plot, but best of all are the sour cherries from the community tree. Not only is Tracey delightful company with access to sour cherries, but it turns out she’s a ringer when it comes to cherry picking, you see, Tracey is a gifted tree climber. I spent a few hot mornings in July picking cherries, telling stories and getting to know her recently-located-to-Philly mother, and brand new daughter. I picked, pitted and froze about 15 quarts of cherries, so I assure you there will be lots of sour cherry recipes headed your way in the next few months, so fill your freezer now! And sign up for a community garden plot for 2015.

Cherry Picking in Philly Barrett and her bucket of cherriesI used the ladder.

Cherry Picking in Philly Tracey climbingHere’s Tracey in the tree.

Cherry Picking in Philly way up highI can tell she’s thinking about sour cherry pie.