Spring Pussy Willow Wreathe

pussy willow wreatheI’ve got one more Spring decoration idea for you. When I bought pussy willows for my Easter Decorations, they were about four feet long, and I cut them down to fit into my small centerpieces. That left me with lots of extra branches. I took eight branches of about equal length and formed a rectangle by alternating which branch overlapped (like a lattice). Then I used wire to secure the joints. Finally, I added a ribbon and a length of artificial red dogwood flowers. Finally, I hung it on the door. Fortunately, Marc knocked into the wreathe and it slipped down to a corner. The diamond hanging configuration looked way better than the rectangle. Funny how that works sometimes. Below you can see a closeup of the corner when I fastened the ribbon and the flowers. Gorgeous and inexpensive. I think the whole wreathe was less than $8. pussy willow wreathe close up

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