Spicy Polenta Tarts with Okra and Sweet Corn

These Spicy Polenta Tarts with Okra and Sweet Corn were inspired by a recipe I saw online. It’s funny how some of these pinterest recipes work (p.s. Are you following me on pinterest? You should be), you keep tracing them back and tracing them back to their original incarnation, only to find that they were inspired by another earlier recipe, and now mine is part of the chain. Often, (for me anyway) pinterest recipes are filed away, never to be thought of again. But these Spicy Polenta Tarts with Okra and Sweet Corn were so appealing, and I’d been looking for something unexpected, but Southern inspired, so they made it to the top of my “try it out” list (I’m so glad they did). Not only were they beautiful, but they featured a new okra application that was a fun surprise for guests and as a side the tarts were a welcome departure from the traditional mashed potatoes and biscuits. Since I served my fried chicken on the good linens with the new French wine glasses, fresh peonies, and a gorgeous Summery rosé wine, a more elegant side was in order. My Updated Southern Supper proved the perfect occasion for … Continue reading