Guanciale Béchamel Runny Egg Pizza

Guanciale Béchamel Runny Egg Pizza is my knockoff of the Uova Pizza da Barbuzzo Restaurant in Philadelphia. Barbuzzo is one of my favorite restaurants in Philly, and the Uova Pizza is one of my favorite pizzas. They don’t make it year ‘round though; come springtime, quite seasonably reasonably, Brussels leaves give way to shave asparagus, much to my consternation. If you aren’t lucky enough to live in Philly, where you can go out for this Guanciale Béchamel Runny Egg Pizza, now you can make it at home so you’ll know what you’re missing, and why you need to come visit Philly ASAP. And you should absolutely let me know how close my Guanciale Béchamel Runny Egg Pizza is to the original. Of course, I don’t have a wood fire pizza oven, (dreams, right?) but with a pizza stone and a very hot oven you can get kind of close. But the sauce, well, let’s just say I think I nailed it with my guancial béchamel sauce. Mostly, this Runny Guanciale Béchamel Runny Egg Pizza is a really fun project that makes you appreciate all the work that went into the original and reinforces making a reservation at Barbuzzo. * One of my … Continue reading

Fig and Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula

There were figs in the market this week, and that’s all the reason I needed to make this Fig Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula. Whenever I find fresh figs, I can be relied upon to buy them up and dream of all the wonderful things to do with them, all the while eating them straight out of the grocery bag while walking home. I really like figs. I even found a really awesome strawberry fig tree in South Philly that’s abandoned. Don’t ask me where it is though, I won’t share this urban foraging secret. This week, since my figs actually made it home (they must have been at the bottom of the bag), this Fig and Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula was on the menu. As with all of my pizzas, I start with my standard pizza dough recipe and modify. In this instance, I make a wheat crust with rosemary, which adds to the sweet and savory theme of my Fig Prosciutto Pizza with Arugula. I also like adding some whole wheat flour to make the crust a little more substantial. A balance is key though, too much whole wheat flour and it can be a little tough. This Fig … Continue reading