Asparagus and Dill Roast Beef Rolls

I struggled a lot with a name for these Asparagus and Dill Roast Beef Rolls. It was hard to come up with something that was descriptive as well as appetizing. Something about Beef Rolls doesn’t quite sound right to me, so if you have ideas, I’m all ears. That said, the goal that led to the creation of the Asparagus and Dill Roast Beef Rolls was a dish for my Old Fashioned Croquet Party Menu that was really easy to make (I think these took about 10 minutes) and a little bit playful, since I knew I was going to have lots of children (old and young) in attendance. I loved how these Asparagus and Dill Roast Beef Rolls turned out. Again, it was nice to serve only dishes that could easily be made ahead. I was able to set out the spread at the beginning of the party and then relax. I check on things a couple of times, but I even got in a game of croquet. The beef rolls were no exception. They were actually the easiest dish to make aside from washing the strawberries and all of the moms commented that they felt like aside from … Continue reading