Tapioca Sundae

This Tapioca Sundae probably should have been my idea. I mean, I love tapioca. I like creamy, decadent homemade versions. I like cheap, pudding-pack tapioca. I love bubble tea. The texture draws me in for sure; it’s a weird and playful food. But I haven’t given much thought to how to use it as an ingredient. Which is silly really, considering I’ve definitely had it as an ingredient before. Some pies use it as a thickener; it’s especially common in peach raspberry for whatever reason. It’s an important part of the playful “pearls and oysters” dish at the French Laundry, which you may know holds a very special place in my heart. But everything changed this Sunday as I was reading recipes and came across tapioca as a sundae topping. Genius I thought. I gussied it up a bit with limoncello, but basically that just made it sweet and lemony, which was delicious, and the cold from the frozen yogurt (or ice cream) topped with warm tapioca was such a wonderful contrast as I ate it. My Tapioca Sundae also included a little of my peach raspberry refrigerator jam for event more flavor. ½ cup large pearl tapioca (I used reese) … Continue reading