Let’s fix it: Crystallized Jam

This beautiful breakfast of delicious jam on sourdough bread almost didn’t happen. And that would have been a tragedy. Every now and then, I open a jar of jam that’s so good that I draw out its use, only to discover that the jam has become gross and chunky looking. Eww. Dirty Laundry PANTRY TIPS to the rescue! Sugar likes to be in crystalline form and when we modify its structure to make things like caramel and jam, we’re fighting against its molecular structure. Sometimes, over time, it wins and goes back to forming crystals. But all is not lost. It can be saved with a gentle rewarming to melt all the crystals. Either heat over the stove or even just in the microwave, depending on the quality of the jam. Also, using a fresh jar that has no buildup of crystals on the walls will further prevent the recrystallization of the jam. Adding an acid, such as lemon juice, is a good fix. And the easiest thing of all, a tablespoon of corn syrup. This is always my last resort, but it really works. The crystals have melted back into the jam and we’re ready for toast. If you … Continue reading