Poached Eggs

I hear all the time how daunting poached Eggs are, and how they’re only something to make for one person or two, because they take too long to make, but I have news for you. Poached eggs are a snap for a group because they’re actually a great make ahead item. As for daunting technique, don’t be frustrated if you don’t get it the first time. Commit to a dozen eggs and poach until you get two perfect in a row. Once you’ve mastered poached eggs, you’ll always have it. And everyone breaks one now and then, that’s just part of the deal. fresh eggs 1 teaspoon white vinegar small pot of boiling water Place small pot of water on to boil. When the water comes to a boil, add the vinegar to the water and turn down the temperature just a touch. The vinegar helps the egg hold together in a compact shape, without those gross flailing egg tendrils (Thomas Keller soaks his eggs in vinegar ahead of time instead- but he’s doing lots of eggs). Using your spatula or slotted spoon, swirl the water into a vortex. Then drop the egg into the swirling water. Cook 2 minutes. … Continue reading