Junk Yard Dog Mix

Junk Yard Dog Mix reminds Dirty Laundry Kitchen of Greek philosophy. Really? Yes. The notion of a sense of taste isn’t a new thing. Aristotle wrote about sweet and bitter in On the Soul, circa 350 B. C. Much more nuanced writing about the sense of taste came out of India even earlier. Combining and understanding food in response to the human palette is probably as old as eating. It told us how to find calorie-dense foods and how to avoid poisonous ones. So, if you’re a snack combiner and you have your own special-weird combo that works for you, be it dipping fries in your chocolate shake, or putting potato chips on you tuna sandwich, commune with the ancients and revel in trying my big dog version of junk food mix: Junk Yard Dog Mix, just in time for Super Bowl Sunday. Forget the Puppy Chow, I’ve focused in on the salty, kept the chocolate on the bitter side, and added popcorn with a spicy kick. Think perfectly balanced junk food. And don’t forget to brainstorm additions to make Junk Yard Dog Mix perfect for you. … Continue reading