Ginger. Ginger! Ginger!! Cookies with White Chocolate

Ginger Ginger Ginger Cookies with White Chocolate aerial It’s colder than molasses in February, which triggers a happy cold weather memory for me and these Ginger. Ginger! Ginger!! Cookies with White Chocolate. In college, my friend Molly and I developed an obsession with these soft, chewy cookies that were sold at the sandwich shop across the street from my apartment. They were seasonal and it had to be pretty miserable out before you could buy these cookies. Every now and then, we’d share a cookie (usually we just bought two, but hey, good behavior now and then is important) and Molly was always in charge of dividing it. She’s really precise about food. I’m pretty sure she grew up in one a one kid divides the treat and the other kid picks first families. When we graduated and moved away from Evanston, I missed these cookies almost as much as I missed Molly and her careful division. I’ve made many versions over the years trying to get them just right. Molly, this one’s for you. I think I’ve finally nailed it. It turns out the secret was ginger, ginger, and more ginger for these Ginger. Ginger! Ginger!! Cookies with White Chocolate. While they were giant cookies originally, I make them much smaller generally, so division of these Ginger. Ginger! Ginger!! Cookies with White Chocolate isn’t necessary at all.

Ginger. Ginger! Ginger!! Cookies with White Chocolate

Ginger. Ginger! Ginger!! Cookies with White Chocolate are chewy ginger cookies with white chocolate chips and three types of ginger for a warm winter treat.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time8 minutes
Total Time23 minutes
Author: Barrett Bridenhagen


  • ½ cup unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup dark brown sugar
  • ½ cup molasses black strap is best
  • ¼ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 egg
  • 2 ¼ cups flour
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ginger
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom
  • cup crystallized ginger
  • 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger
  • 1 cup white chocolate chips*
  • ½ cup large grain sugar raw, white, whatever, it’s about the texture


  • Preheat oven to 375° F.
  • Beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add the egg. Beat well.
  • Add the molasses and vegetable oil. Ginger Ginger Ginger Cookies with White Chocolate doughMix completely.
  • Add the salt, soda, cinnamon, cardamom, powdered ginger and grated ginger.
  • Chop the crystallized ginger into very small bits. Ginger Ginger Ginger Cookies with White Chocolate chopped gingerAdd to the batter.
  • Mix in the flour.
  • Stir in the chips. The dough should be firm, not sticky. If it’s sticky, refrigerate it for 15 minutes or so.
  • Roll the dough into 1 tablespoon balls. Dip the “top” in the course sugar. Set on tray sugar side up and press down slightly. Ginger Ginger Ginger Cookies with White Chocolate sugared dough for oven
  • Bake 8-10 minutes. They should have puffed up a bit and the surface should start cracking. Ginger Ginger Ginger Cookies with White Chocolate baked and cracking
  • They’ll be very soft, so they should cool on the cookie sheet for a couple of minutes. If you cook them too long, they won’t be soft and chewy.
  • I never run over the 8 minutes side of the time. And I always serve them warm, with milk, which means, I nuke them for about 8 seconds before I serve them if they aren't coming straight from the oven. Ginger Ginger Ginger Cookies with White Chocolate up close


The originals were large cookies, about the size of a bread plate. I make the smaller ones for obvious portion related reasons. So, if you’re making regular-sized cookies, then stick with chocolate chips. But if you’re making the giant ones, say for a bake sale, then I’d use chunks instead.
Posted in Chocolate, Cookies, Desserts, Holidays, Seasonal Ingredients and Flavors, Winter.


  1. I’ve also made ginger/molasses cookies with butterscotch chips and it’s surprisingly delicious! I will have to give white chocolate chips a try next.

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